Browse by city / Hong Kong

383 Jobs Found

Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Programme Manager (at the rank of Executive Officer) in the Faculty of Business and Economics (Ref: 531088) (to commence as soon as possible, on a two-year fixed-term basis with contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Manager, Learning and Development (at the rank of Executive Officer) in the Faculty of Business and Economics (Ref.: 531080) (to commence as soon as possible, on a two-year fixed-term basis, with contract-end gratuity and University...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Assistant Director, Corporate Development (at the rank of Administrative Assistant II) in the Faculty of Business and Economics (Ref.: 531079) (to commence as soon as possible, on a two-year fixed-term basis, with contract-end...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Senior Technical Officer/Technical Officer in the Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine and the State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Ref.: 531032) (to commence as soon as possible, on a two- to...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
臨床醫學學院內科學系聘請:全職 / 兼職實驗室服務員 (檔案編號:531018) (以兩年合約或一年臨時合約形式聘用;若工作表現滿意,可獲續約) 應徵者須具備中三程度或同等學歷,能操流利粵語、略懂英語及普通話,並能閱讀及書寫簡單中、英文。受聘者須負責打掃實驗室以及樓層清潔、清洗實驗室儀器及器皿、兼任信差、處理其他雜務及須於星期六輪班工作。具相關工作經驗者可獲優先考慮。 如較早前已申請實驗室服務員(檔案編號:530322) 一職,則無需再遞交申請。...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Clerical Assistant in the Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine (Ref.: 530979) (to commence as soon as possible for one year, with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance and funding...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Research Assistant Professor in Biomarker Discovery and Clinical Proteomics in the Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine (Ref.:531033) We now invite applications for the captioned post. Duties and Responsibilities...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Assistant Conservator (at the rank of Executive Officer) in the University Libraries (Ref: 531084) The University of Hong Kong Libraries collections include Western rare books (16th–19th c.); Chinese rare books, manuscripts,...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Assistant Service Manager (Collection Development) (at the rank of Executive Officer) in the University Libraries (Ref: 531082) We are looking for a candidate to join the University Libraries to oversee and manage library collection...
Location:Hong Kong
Institution: Hong Kong University
Research Assistant I/II in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Clinical Medicine (Ref.:531077) (to commence as soon as possible for one year, with the possibility of renewal subject to funding availability and...